Cyclotron harmonic effect on the thermal oscillating two-stream instability in the high latitude ionosphere
Cyclotron Harmonic Signals Received by the Alouette Topside Sounder
Cyclotron Instabilities and Electromagnetic Emission in the Ultra Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency Ranges
Cyclotron Instability in the Magnetosphere with Allowance for the Refraction of Rising Waves
Cyclotron instability in the plasmasphere in the presence of the transport of energetic particles across L-shells
Cyclotron Instability of Outer Radiation-Belt Protons
Cyclotron instability of the magnetospheric plasma in a longitudinally nonuniform magnetic field
Cyclotron interaction for the chorus emissions in a nonuniform magnetic field
Cyclotron interaction of a packet of VLF waves with a resonance-electron beam
Cyclotron line emission from binary X-ray sources
Cyclotron Line Studies in Magnetized X-ray Pulsars
Cyclotron line variability
Cyclotron lines in accreting magnetic white dwarfs with an application to VV Puppis
Cyclotron Lines in Accreting Neutron Star Spectra
Cyclotron Lines in Binary X-ray Pulsars
Cyclotron lines in the spectra of solar flares and solar active regions
Cyclotron lines in Vela X-1 (Kreykenbohm+, 2002)
Cyclotron Maser Emission - Stars, Planets and Laboratory
Cyclotron maser emission of auroral Z mode radiation
Cyclotron maser radiation from a source structure localized perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field