4-dimensional spontaneously broken U(1)L gauge theories without asymptotic quarks and Higgs boson
4-METER Telescope for Hiroshima
4-Neutrino mass schemes and the likelihood of (3+1)-mass spectra
4-point correlators in finite-temperature AdS/CFT: jet quenching correlations
4-point effective actions in open and closed superstring theory
4-pole analysis of the two-dimensional Hubbard model
4-quadrant Phase Mask Coronagraphy of the nucleus of NGC 1068 with NAOS-CONICA
4-string Junction and Its Network
4. 4 B. Y. -Old Clast in Boulder 7, Apollo 17
4. 56 GA U-Th-Pb Age of MET 78008 Ureilite
4. International Conference on Mars, Tucson, AZ (USA), 10 - 13 Jan 1989.
4. Man in Space. Bioastronautics: Yesterday, today, tomorrow
4.2 Billion Year Old Ages from Apollo 16, 17, and the Lunar Farside: Age of the South Pole-Aitken Basin?
4.2-4.3 AE Soil Fragments: Equilibrated or Unequilibrated, Poly-Component Systems?
4.5-kHz ground hiss and field-aligned current in the dayside cusp
4.85GHz extragalactic sources (Pauliny-Toth+ 1980)
4/3-Law of Granular Particles Flowing through a Vertical Pipe
40 Ar- 39 Ar and K-Ar dating of K-rich rocks from the Roccamonfina Volcano, Roman comagmatic Region, Italy
40 Ar- 39 Ar stepheating studies of clay concentrates from Irish orebodies