3-D model of ICME in the interplanetary medium
3-D Modeling of Thermal Structure in Active Regions on the Solar Surface
3-D Modelling of Stretched Solitary Waves along Magnetic Field Lines
3-D modelling the electric field due to ocean tidal flow and comparison with observations
3-D motions in the field of two rotating oblate magnetic dipoles
3-D Multi-Fluid Model of the Plasma Interaction at Titan Highlighting the Importance of Ion Gyroradus Effects
3-D network ray tracing
3-D numerical modelling of the conductive heat flow of SW England
3-D off-center Li+ rotors in alkali halides: solving for the eigenvalue problem
3-D orbital evolution model of outer asteroid belt
3-D Perspective Imaging: A Tool for Geologic Mapping of Venus
3-D Perturbations in Conformal Turbulence
3-D Plasma Sheet Models Based on the Time from Substorm Onset and on Average Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling Functions
3-D plate interactions in central Taiwan: Insight from flexure and sandbox modeling
3-D position estimation of isolated target and optimal trajectory choice in parasitic synthetic aperture radar
3-D propagation of CMEs near the heliospheric sheet
3-D reconnection related to new emerging flux
3-D reconstruction of active regions with STEREO
3-D reconstruction of CME related transient coronal phenomena observed with the STEREO/SECCHI Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
3-D refractivity field from GPS double difference tomography