Simple Pendulum Revisited
Simple quantum systems in the momentum representation
Sites for Course Background: The Mechanical Universe,
Situational diagnosis for preservice elementary teachers on some basic astronomical phenomena
Snell's Law from an Elementary Particle Viewpoint
Solar and lunar demonstrators
Solar heaters and other parabolic devices
Solar Neutrinos: A Popular Account
Solar transit of Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope images
Solidification pipes: from solder pots to igneous rocks
Some Aspects of the Electromagnetic Multipole Expansions
Some historical resources for teaching about curved mirrors
Some minimally-variant map-based rules of motion at any speed
Some peculiarities of equilibrium between springs and charges
Some Psychological Knowledge for Scientists' Use
Some Remarks about Variable Mass Systems
Some Remarks on the Question of Charge Densities in Stationary-Current-Carrying Conductors
Sorting Tasks and Vocabulary-in-Context Activities for Assessing Introductory Astronomy Understanding
SPACE PHYSICS: An experimental measurement of longitude
SPACE PHYSICS: Developing resources for astrophysics at A-level: the TRUMP Astrophysics project