Parallel universes in the statistics literature
Parity and the Spin-Statistics Connection
Particle in a box at high temperature
Particle Physics Masterclasses
Partnerships For Physics Teaching Reform -- a crucial role for universities and colleges
Passive Lorentz transformations with spacetime algebra
Path Integral and the Induction Law
Peak into the Past - An Archaeo-Astronomy Summer School
Peer Instruction: Comparing Clickers to Flashcards
PEOPLE IN PHYSICS: Interview with Professor Peter Kalmus
PEOPLE IN PHYSICS: Interview with Sir Arnold Wolfendale FRS
People Interview: Lord Rees looks to the future
People Interview: Solar physics blasts into space
Personal computer realizations for two classics of quantum chemistry
Perspectives in Quantum Physics: Epistemological, Ontological and Pedagogical. An investigation into student and expert perspectives on the physical interpretation of quantum mechanics, with implications for modern physics instruction