$D$-mesons and charmonium states in hot pion matter
$dd\to {^3}He n$ reaction at intermediate energies
$D\overline{D}$ momentum correlations versus relative azimuth as a sensitive probe for thermalization
$D_{sJ}$(2317) meson production at RHIC
$E1-E2$ interference in the Coulomb dissociation of $^8$B
$e^+e^-$ pairs from $π^-$A reactions
$e^+e^-$ production in $p A$ reactions at SIS energies
$g_{K N Λ}$ and $g_{K N Σ}$ from QCD sum rules
$g_{NKΛ}$ and $g_{NKΣ}$ from QCD Sum Rules in the $γ_5 σ_{μν}$ structure
$J$-pairing interaction, number of states, and nine-$j$ sum rules of four identical particles
$J$-pairing Interactions of Fermions in a Single-$j$ Shell
$J/ψ$ and $η_{c}$ masses in isospin asymmetric hot nuclear matter - a QCD sum rule approach
$J/ψ$ and $Υ$ measurements in STAR
$J/ψ$ and $ψ'$ suppression by comovers in Pb+Pb collisions
$J/ψ$ dissociation by pions in QCD
$J/ψ$ Gluonic Dissociation Revisited : I. Fugacity, Flux And Formation Time Effects
$J/ψ$ Gluonic Dissociation Revisited : II. Hydrodynamic Expansion Effects
$J/Ψ$ mass shift and $J/Ψ$-nuclear bound state
$J/ψ$ normal and anomalous suppressions in a hadron and string cascade model
$J/ψ$ production and nuclear effects for d+Au and p+p collisions in PHENIX