Low-momentum ring diagrams of neutron matter at and near the unitary limit
Low-m_t charged pion asymmetry enhancement from hadronization of QGP
Low-Q scaling, duality, and the EMC effect
Low-Spin Spectroscopy of 50Mn
Low-temperature triple-alpha rate in a full three-body model
Low-x QCD at the LHC with the ALICE detector
Lowest eigenvalue of the nuclear shell model Hamiltonian
Lowest Eigenvalues of Random Hamiltonians
Lowest l=0 proton resonance in Si26 and implications for nucleosynthesis of Al26
Lowest order constrained variational calculation for asymmetrical nuclear matter with the new Argonne potential
Lowest order constrained variational calculation of polarized neutron matter at finite temperature
Lowest Order Constrained Variational Calculation of the Polarized Nuclear Matter with the Modern $AV_{18}$ Potential
Lowest Order Effective Field Theory for the weak $ΛN$ interaction
Lowest Q^2 Measurement of the gamma*p -> Delta Reaction: Probing the Pionic Contribution
Lowest-order contributions of chiral three-nucleon interactions to pairing properties of nuclear ground states
LPM Interference and Cherenkov-like Gluon Bremsstrahlung in Dense Matter
Luminosity determination for the pd reaction at 2.14 GeV with WASA-at-COSY
Luminosity determination for the quasi-free nuclear reactions
LUNA and the neutrinos from the Sun
LUNA and the Sun