Investigation of the quasifission process by theoretical analysis of experimental data of fissionlike reaction products
Investigation of the reaction 12C(7Li, t)16O
Investigation of the reaction 3Hp --> ppnn at 2.5 GeV/c triton momentum
Investigation of the reaction pp->p K0 pi+ Lambda in search of the pentaquark
Investigation of the role of neutron transfer in the fusion of 32,34S with 197Au,208Pb using quasi-elastic scattering
Investigation of the role of shell structure in quasi-fission mass distributions
Investigation of the spectra of nuclei with a charge Z ranging from 6 to 28 in the 20-1000 GeV per nucleon energy range
Investigation of the ^30S(p,γ)^31Cl reaction via Coulomb dissociation
Investigation of Zero-Sound Dispersion Equation in the Complex Plane of Frequency
Investigations of the broken SU(3) symmetry in deformed even-even nuclei
Investigations of three, four, and five-particle exit channels of levels in light nuclei created using a 9C beam
Invisible nuclear system
Involvement of scientists in the NASA Office of Space Science education and public outreach program
Ion Collisions in Very Strong Electric Fields
Ion induced quark-gluon implosion
Ion Program of Na61/Shine at the CERN SPS
Ion storage ring measurements of dielectronic recombination for astrophysically relevant Feq+ ions
Ionization states and the origin of low energy /1-30 MeV/amu/ cosmic ray nuclei
Irradiation of nuclear emulsions in relativistic beams of He-6 and H-3 nuclei
Irreducible pionic effects in nucleon-deuteron scattering below 20 MeV