Cross section of the 14N(n,p)14C reaction from 10 to 100 keV measured by a gas scintillation drift chamber
Cross section of the capture reaction 3He( alpha , gamma ) 7Be
Cross Section Uncertainties in the Gallium Neutrino Source Experiments
Cross sections and beam asymmetries for $\vev{e}p \to enπ^+$ in the nucleon resonance region for $1.7 \le Q^2 \le 4.5 (GeV)^2$
Cross Sections and Beam Asymmetries for K+ Sigma*- photoproduction from the deuteron at 1.5-2.4 GeV
Cross sections and reaction rates for 23Na(p,n) 23Mg, 27Al(p,n) 27Si, 27Al(α,n) 30P, 29Si(α,n) 32S, and 30Si(α,n) 33S
Cross sections and reaction rates of d + 8Li reactions involved in Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Cross sections and Reaction Rates Relevant to Silicon Burning.
Cross sections and Rosenbluth separations in 1H(e, e'K+)Lambda up to Q2=2.35 GeV2
Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates for 41K(α, n)44Sc and 41K(α, p)44Ca
Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates for 42Ca(p, γ)43Sc, 44Ca(p, γ) 45Sc, 44Ca(p, n) 44Sc and 45Sc(p, n)45Ti
Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates for 51(α, n)54Mn and 51(α, p)54Cr
Cross sections and thermonuclear reaction rates of proton-induced reactions on 37Cl
Cross sections for (n,2n) and (n,3n) reactions above 14 MeV
Cross sections for 3H(7Li,n0)9Be and 3H(7Li,ntot)
Cross sections for A=6-30 fragments from the 4He+28Si reaction at 117 and 198 MeV
Cross sections for Coulomb and nuclear breakup of three-body halo nuclei
Cross sections for He, Li, and Be isotopes produced in the alpha + alpha reaction at 198.4 MeV
Cross sections for low-energy $π^-γ$ reactions
Cross sections for meson-meson nonresonant reactions