Yield scalings of clusters with fewer than 100 nucleons
Yields and elliptic flow of $d(\bar{d})$ and $^{3}He(\bar{^{3}He})$ in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} =$ 200 GeV
Yields and elliptic flow of d(dbar) and He3(He3bar) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)= 200 GeV
Z-dependent Barriers in Multifragmentation from Poissonian Reducibility and Thermal Scaling
Z=50 shell gap near $^{100}$Sn from intermediate-energy Coulomb excitations in even-mass $^{106--112}$Sn isotopes
Zeroing in on jet quenching: a PHENIX perspective
ZnWO_4 crystals as detectors for double beta decay and dark matter experiments
\textsc{MaGe} - a {\sc Geant4}-based Monte Carlo Application Framework for Low-background Germanium Experiments
{Coherent Dissociation $^{12}$C~$\rightarrow$~3$α$ in Lead-Enriched Emulsion at 4.5 GeV/$c$~per Nucleon
πN and ηp deexcitation channels of the N^* and Δbaryonic resonances between 1470 and 1680 MeV