Proton and Pion Production Relative to the Reaction Plane in Au + Au Collisions at AGS Energies
Proton asymmetry in non-mesonic weak decay of light hypernuclei
Proton capture cross section of 106,108Cd for the astrophysical p-process
Proton capture cross section of Sr isotopes and their importance for nucleosynthesis of proton-rich nuclides
Proton decay from the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in $^{58}$Ni
Proton elastic form factor ratios to $Q^2$ = 3.5 GeV$^2$ by polarization transfer
Proton elastic scattering from tin isotopes at 295 MeV and systematic change of neutron density distributions
Proton Emission Times in Spectator Fragmentation
Proton G_E/G_M from beam-target asymmetry
Proton induced fission of 181-Ta at relativistic energies
Proton induced reaction cross section measurements on Se isotopes for the astrophysical p process
Proton induced reactions on naturalU at 62.9 MeV
Proton Medium Modifications from 4He(e,e'p)3H
Proton Polarimeter Calibration between 82 and 217 MeV
Proton spectra from Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of p-shell Lambda-Hypernuclei and evidence for the two-nucleon induced process
Proton Spectroscopic Factor in 7Li from 2H(6He,7Li)n
Proton Spectrum at the Jupiter Laser Facility of LLNL
Proton Spin Structure in the Resonance Region
Proton stopping in C+C, d+C, C+Ta and d+Ta collisions at 4.2A GeV/c
Proton-$^{3}$He elastic scattering at low energies