Effective nucleon mass and the nuclear caloric curve
Effects of Cluster Particle Correlations on Local Parity Violation Observables
Effects of Nitrogen contamination in liquid Argon
Elastic $α$-transfer in the elastic scattering of $^{\bf 16}$O$+^{\bf 12}$C
Elastic and Raman scattering of 9.0 and 11.4 MeV photons from Au, Dy and In
Elastic Compton scattering from the deuteron and nucleon polarizabilities
Elastic Electron Scattering from Light Nuclei
Elastic Form Factors of $^{3,4}$He up to Large $Q^2$
Elastic proton-deuteron scattering at intermediate energies
Elastic scattering and breakup of 17^F at 10 MeV/nucleon
Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction Cross Section for the 6He + 27Al System
Elastic scattering of low energy pions by nuclei and the in-medium isovector pi N amplitude
Electric charge fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20, 30, 40, 80 and 158 AGeV
Electric dipole moment searches: Effect of linear electric field frequency shifts induced in confined gases, II
Electric dipole moment searches: reexamination of frequency shifts for particles in traps
Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances from CLAS data on single pion electroproduction
Electroexcitation of the Roper resonance for 1.7 < Q2 < 4.5 GeV2 in ep -> enpi+
Electromagnetic Calorimeter for HADES
Electromagnetic Decay of the $Σ^{0}(1385)$ to $Λγ$
Electromagnetic Dissociation of 8B and the Rate of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B Reaction in the Sun