\cl{\bf $τ\rightarrowμμ{\barμ}$ and $τ\rightarrowμe{\bar e}$ Decays in String Models with $\e6$ Symmetry
\ga\ga and g g decay rates for equal mass heavy quarkonia
\Omb \rightarrow \Omc , \Omc ^* $ transitions: Model-independent bounds on invariant form factors
\sqrt{s}_min: a global inclusive variable for determining the mass scale of new physics in events with missing energy at hadron colliders
\ttbar and single top cross sections at the Tevatron
`Blowing up' D-branes on Non-supersymmetric Cycles
`Conformal Theories - AdS Branes' Transform, or One More Face of AdS/CFT
`Desert' in Energy or Transverse Space?
`Effective' Pomeron model at large $\mathbf{b}$
`Natural Masslessness Conservation' for neutrinos in two Higgs-doublet models
`Null gauged' WZNW theories and Toda-like $σ$-models
`Per Aspera Ad Astra' -- A Short Essay on the Long Quest for CP Violation
`Strategy of Regions': Expansions of Feynman Diagrams both in Euclidean and Pseudo-Euclidean Regimes
`Superluminal' Photon Propagation in QED in Curved Spacetime is Dispersive and Causal
`t Hooft Anomaly Matching for QCD
`Thermodynamics' of Minimal Surfaces and Entropic Origin of Gravity
``Alternative $N=(4,0)$ Superstring and $\s$-Models''
``Charge-Dyon" System As The Reduced Oscillator
``Good Propagation'' Constraints on Dual Invariant Actions in Electrodynamics and on Massless Fields