W^+ W^+ Scattering as a Sensitive Test of the Anomalous Gauge Couplings of the Higgs Boson at the LHC
W^+- H^-+ Associated Production at the Large Hadron Collider
W^+W^+ plus dijet production in the POWHEGBOX
W^+W^+jj at NLO in QCD: an exotic Standard Model signature at the LHC
W_infty Structures of 2D String Theory
W_k structure of generalized Frenkel-Kac construction for SU(2)-level k Kac-Moody algebra
W_L W_L Scattering in Higgsless Models: Identifying Better Effective Theories
W_R Effects on CP Asymmetries in B Meson Decays
W_\infty and w_\infty Gauge Theories and Contraction
W_{1+\infty} and W(gl_N) with central charge N
w_{\infty} Algebras, Conformal Mechanics, and Black Holes
w_{\infty} and sl_q(2) Algebras in the Landau Problem and Chern-Simons Theory on a Torus
W_{\infty} Gauge Transformations and the Electromagnetic Interactions of Electrons in the Lowest Landau Level
W{1+ \infty} algebra, W_3 algebra, and Friedan-Martinec-Shenker bosonization
Wγγproduction with leptonic decays at NLO QCD