Weak Matrix Elements and |V_cb| in New Formulation of Heavy Quark Effective Field Theory
Weak matrix elements for CP violation
Weak Matrix Elements on the Lattice --- Circa 1995
Weak Matrix Elements on the Lattice: Recent Developments in K-Physics
Weak Matrix Elements without Quark Masses on the Lattice
Weak matrix elements: on the way to delta I = 1/2 rule and epsilon-prime with staggered fermions
Weak Measurements
Weak Mixing and Rare Decays in the Littlest Higgs Model
Weak Mixing Angle and Higgs Mass in Gauge-Higgs Unification Models with Brane Kinetic Terms
Weak Mixing Angle and Proton Stability in F-theory GUT
Weak Mixing Angle and the SU(3)_C times SU(3) Model on M^4 times S^1/(Z_2 times Z_2')
Weak mixing angle at low energies
Weak Mixing Angles as Dynamical Degrees of Freedom
Weak Nonleptonic Omega Decay in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Weak Phase $γ$ and Strong Phase $δ$ from CP Averaged $B\to ππ$ and $πK$ Decays
Weak Phase $γ$ from $B_s(t) \to K^+ K^-$
Weak phase $γ$ from color-allowed $B \to D K$ rates
Weak Phase $γ$ From Ratio of $B \to K π$ Rates
Weak phase alpha from B^0-> a_1^{+-}(1260) pi^{-+}
Weak Phase gamma Using Isospin Analysis and Time Dependent Asymmetry in B_d -> K_s pi^+ pi^-