Weak Hyperon Production in ep Scattering
Weak interaction contribution to the inclusive hadron-hadron scattering cross sections at high $p_T$
Weak interaction corrections to hadronic top quark pair production
Weak interaction corrections to hadronic top quark pair production: contributions from quark-gluon and $b \bar b$ induced reactions
Weak Interaction in Holographic QCD
Weak Interaction Sum Rules for Polarized top-antitop Production at LHC
Weak interactions and quasi-stable particle energy loss
Weak Interactions Effect on the P-N Mass Splitting and the Principle of Equivalence
Weak interactions in polarized semi-inclusive DIS
Weak Interactions of Light Flavours
Weak interactions of supersymmetric staus at high energies
Weak Isospin Violations in Charged and Neutral Higgs Couplings from SUSY Loop Corrections
Weak Kaon Production off the Nucleon
Weak long distance contributions to the neutron and proton electric dipole moments
Weak low-energy couplings from topological zero-mode wavefunctions
Weak Magnetic Dipole Moments in the MSSM
Weak magnetic dipole moments in two-Higgs-doublet models
Weak magnetism effects in the direct Urca processes in cooling neutron stars
Weak magnetism in chiral quark models
Weak matrix elements and K-meson physics