Weak Decays Of Heavy Mesons In A Covariant Quark Model
Weak Decays of Heavy Mesons in the Instantaneous Bethe Salpeter Approach
Weak Decays of Heavy Quarks
Weak Decays of Heavy-Light Mesons on the Lattice: Semi-Leptonic Formfactors
Weak Decays of Heavy-Quark Systems
Weak decays of pseudo Goldstone bosons
Weak decays of the B_c meson
Weak decays of the B_c meson to B_s and B mesons in the relativistic quark model
Weak decays of the B_c meson to charmonium and D mesons in the relativistic quark model
Weak decays to final states with Radial Excitation Admixtures
Weak decays Xi_Q -> Lambda_Q pi
Weak Decays, CKM and CP Violation
Weak Decays, Quark Mixing and CP Violation: Theory Overview
Weak Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
Weak dipole moment of $τ$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions with longitudinally polarized electrons
Weak dipole moments in $τ$ decays to hadrons
Weak Dirac bracket construction and the superparticle covariant quantization problem
Weak doubly special relativity and ultra-high energy cosmic ray experiments
Weak effects in proton beam asymmetries at polarised RHIC and beyond