Weak coupling expansion of a chiral gauge theory on a lattice in the overlap formulation
Weak coupling expansion of massless QCD with a Ginsparg-Wilson fermion and axial U(1) anomaly
Weak coupling large-N transitions at finite baryon density
Weak Coupling Limit and Genuine QCD Predictions for Heavy Quarkonia
Weak Coupling Phase from Decays of Charged B Mesons to $πK$ and $ππ$
Weak Coupling Phase Structureof the Abelian Higgs Model at Finite Temperature
Weak Coupling Phases
Weak Decay Form Factors from QCD Sum Rules on the Light-Cone
Weak Decay Form Factors of Heavy Pseudoscalar Mesons within a Light-Front Constituent Quark Model
Weak decay of swirling protons and other processes
Weak Decay Process of $B \to ρ\ell \barν_\ell$: A Varying External Field Approach in QCD Sum Rules
Weak Decays Beyond Leading Logarithms
Weak Decays in the light--front Quark Model
Weak Decays of $B$ Mesons and Lattice QCD
Weak decays of $J/ψ$: the non-leptonic case
Weak Decays Of Charm Hadrons: The Next Lesson On QCD -- And Possibly More!
Weak decays of doubly heavy hadrons
Weak Decays of Heavy Baryons in the Covariant Quasipotential Approach
Weak decays of heavy hadron molecules involving the f0(980)
Weak decays of Heavy mesons