Wave Packet Collisions in Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory
Wave packet distortion and superluminal neutrinos
Wave Packet for Massless Fermions and its Implication to the Superluminal Velocity Statistics of Neutrino
Wave packets and quantum oscillations
Wave Propagation and IR/UV Mixing in Noncommutative Spacetimes
Wave propagation in axion electrodynamics
Wave Propagation in Stringy Black Hole
Wave-function profile and SUSY breaking in 5D model with Fayet-Iliopoulos terms
Wave-function renormalization for the Coulomb-gas in Wegner-Houghton's RG method
Wave-type Solutions in the Nonlinear $σ$-model with the Dilaton
Wavefunction corrections and off-forward gluon distributions in diffractive $J/ψ$ electroproduction
Wavefunction of the Universe on the Landscape
Wavefunction-Independent Relations between the Nucleon Axial-Coupling g_A and the Nucleon Magnetic Moments
Wavefunctions and the Point of E8 in F-theory
Wavefunctions for Non-Abelian Vortices
Wavelet Analyses of High Multiplicity Events
Wavelet based regularization for Euclidean field theory
Wavelet based regularization for Euclidean field theory and stochastic quantization
Wavelet correlations in hierarchical branching processes
Wavelet Perspective of a Disoriented Chiral Condensate