Wave Function of the Universe in Topological and in Einstein 2-form Gravity
Wave Function Properties in a High Energy Process
Wave Function Renormalization at Finite Temperature
Wave function renormalization constants and one-particle form factors in $D_{l}^{(1)}$ Toda field theories
Wave function renormalization in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory
Wave Functional of Quantum Black Holes in Two Dimensions
Wave Functionals, Gauge Invariant Equations for Massive Modes and the Born-Infeld Equation in the Loop Variable Approach to String Theory
Wave Functionals, Hamiltonians and Renormalization Group
Wave functions and decay constants of $B$ and $D$ mesons in the relativistic potential model
Wave functions and properties of massive states in three-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Wave functions and spectra from (S)DLCQ
Wave Functions and Spectrum in Hot Electroweak Matter for Large Higgs Masses
Wave functions and their use in spectroscopy and phenomenology
Wave Functions and Yukawa Couplings in Local String Compactifications
Wave functions for dynamically generated resonances; the two $Λ(1405)$ and $Λ(1670)$
Wave functions for Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory
Wave functions of composite hadron states and relationship to couplings of scattering amplitudes for general partial waves
Wave functions of the nucleon and its parity partner from lattice QCD
Wave Functions of the Proton Ground State in the Presence of a Uniform Background Magnetic Field in Lattice QCD
Wave Functions, Evolution Equations and Evolution Kernels from Light-Ray Operators of QCD