Ward Identity for Membranes
Ward Identity implied recursion relations in Yang-Mills theory
Ward identity in noncommutative QED
Ward-Takahashi Identidy on the Ligth-Front
Ward-Takahashi identities for the colored Boulatov model
Ward-Takahashi Identities in Large N Field Theories
Ward-Takahashi Identities, Magnetic Anomalies, and the Anticommutation Properties of the Fermion-Boson Vertex
Ward-Takahashi Identity and Dynamical Mass Generation in Abelian Gauge Theories
Ward-Takahashi identity for Yang-Mills theory in the Exact Renormalization Group
Ward-Takahashi Identity with External Field in Ladder QED
Warm baryogenesis
Warm DBI Inflation
Warm hilltop inflation
Warm Inflation and its Microphysical Basis
Warm inflation dissipative dynamics
Warm inflation dynamics in the low temperature regime
Warm Inflation in the Adiabatic Regime- a Model, an Existence Proof for Inflationary Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory
Warm inflation model building
Warm inflation solution to the eta-problem
Warm Inflation with a General Form of the Dissipative Coefficient