Type I Vacua from Diagonal $Z_3$-Orbifolds
Type I vacua with brane supersymmetry breaking
Type I' and Real Algebraic Geometry
Type II Actions from 11-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theories
Type II and heterotic one loop string effective actions in four dimensions
Type II Branes from Brane-Antibrane in M-theory
Type II compactifications on manifolds with SU(2) x SU(2) structure
Type II Duality Symmetries in Six Dimensions
Type II Leptogenesis and the Neutrino Mass Scale
Type II NS Five-Branes: Non Critical Strings and their Topological Sectors
Type II p-branes: the brane-scan revisited
Type II pp-wave Matrix Models from Point-like Gravitons
Type II see-saw dominance in SO(10)
Type II See-Saw Mechanism, Deviations from Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Leptogenesis
Type II Seesaw and a Gauge Model for the Bimaximal Mixing Explanation of Neutrino Puzzles
Type II Seesaw and the PAMELA/ATIC Signals
Type II Seesaw at LHC: the Roadmap
Type II Seesaw Dominance in Non-supersymmetric and Split Susy SO(10) and Proton Life Time
Type II Seesaw Higgs Triplet as the inflaton for Chaotic Inflation and Leptogenesis
Type II seesaw mechanism for Higgs doublets and the scale of new physics