Type -B/ -O Bosonic String Sigma-Models
Type 0 Brane Inflation from Mirage Cosmology
Type 0 Strings in a 2-d Black Hole
Type 0 T-Duality and the Tachyon Coupling
Type 0A 2D Black Hole Thermodynamics and the Deformed Matrix Model
Type 0A matrix model of black hole, integrability and holography
Type A N-fold Supersymmetry and Generalized Bender-Dunne Polynomials
Type B Topological Matter, Kodaira-Spencer Theory, and Mirror Symmetry
Type D Solutions of 3D New Massive Gravity
Type I and $new$ seesaw in left-right symmetric theories
Type I background fields in terms of type IIB ones
Type I D-branes in an H-flux and twisted KO-theory
Type I D-particle and its Interactions
Type I Non-Abelian Superconductors in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Type I on (Generalized) Voisin-Borcea Orbifolds and Non-perturbative Orientifolds
Type I seesaw mechanism for quasi degenerate neutrinos
Type I Strings with F- and B-Flux
Type I Superconductivity upon Monopole Condensation in Seiberg-Witten Theory
Type I Supergravity Effective Action from Pure Spinor Formalism
Type I Superstrings without D-branes