Two-Photon Widths of the chi_cJ States of Charmonium
Two-Photon, Two-gluon and Radiative Decays of Heavy Flavoured Mesons
Two-Photon-Exchange Correction to Parity-Violating Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering
Two-photon-exchange effects in the electro-excitation of the $Δ$ resonance
Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=900 GeV
Two-pion bound state in sigma channel at finite temperature
Two-pion contribution to the muon magnetic moment
Two-Pion Decay Widths of Excited Charm Mesons
Two-pion decays of mesons and confinement singularities
Two-Pion Exchange Interaction Between Constituent Quarks
Two-pion light-cone distribution amplitudes from the instanton vacuum
Two-pion transitions in quarkonium revisited
Two-point Correlation Function in Integrable QFT with Anti-Crossing Symmetry
Two-point correlation functions in perturbed minimal models
Two-point correlation functions of scaling fields in the Dirac theory on the Poincare disk
Two-point correlators in the beta-deformed N=4 SYM at the next-to-leading order
Two-point function of strangeness-carrying vector-currents in two-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory
Two-point function of strangeness-carrying vector-currents in two-loop Chiral Perturbation Theory
Two-point function reduction of four-point amputated functions and transformations in $F\bar{F}$ and RA basis in a real-time finite temperature NJL model