Two-photon decay rates of heavy quarkonia in the relativistic quark model
Two-Photon Decay Rates of True Neutral Pseudoscalar Mesons from Data on their Transition Form Factors
Two-Photon Decay Widths of Higgs Particles
Two-photon decays and photoproduction on electrons of $η(550)$, $η'(958)$, $η(1295)$, and $η(1475)$ mesons
Two-photon decays of hadronic molecules
Two-Photon Decays of Mesons in a Relativistic Quark Model
Two-photon decays of rho and omega mesons and strong decays rho -> eta pi and omega -> pi pi in dense matter
Two-photon decays of the lightest Higgs boson of supersymmetry at the LHC
Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons in dense matter
Two-Photon Effects in Lepton-AntiLepton Pair Photoproduction from a Nucleon Target using Real Photons
Two-photon exchange amplitudes for the elastic $ep$ scattering at Q^2=2.5 GeV^2 from the experimental data
Two-photon exchange and polarization physics in electron-proton scattering
Two-Photon Exchange Effect Studied with Neural Networks
Two-Photon Exchange in (Semi-)Inclusive DIS
Two-photon exchange in elastic electron-pion scattering
Two-photon exchange in elastic electron-proton scattering : QCD factorization approach
Two-Photon Exchange in Electron-Proton Elastic Scattering: Theory Update
Two-photon exchange model for production of neutral meson pairs in e+e- annihilation
Two-photon exclusive decays $B_s \to η(η') γγ$ and $B \to K γγ$
Two-Photon Exclusive Processes in QCD