Two-parton contribution to the heavy-quark A_FB at NNLO QCD in e+e- collisions
Two-Parton Contribution to the Heavy-Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry in NNLO QCD
Two-parton Light-cone Distribution Amplitudes of Tensor Mesons
Two-parton twist-3 factorization in perturbative QCD
Two-pearl Strings: Feynman's Oscillators
Two-photon and one photon-one vector meson decay widths of the $f_0(1370)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f_0(1710)$, $f'_2(1525)$, and $K^*_2(1430)$
Two-photon and two-gluon decays of p-wave heavy quarkonium using a covariant light-front approach
Two-Photon Annihilation into Baryon-Antibaryon Pairs
Two-photon annihilation into octet meson pairs: symmetry relations in the handbag approach
Two-photon annihilation into pion pairs
Two-photon Compton process in pulsed intense laser fields
Two-photon correlations as a sign of sharp transition in quark-gluon plasma
Two-Photon Correlations in $pp$ Collisions
Two-photon cross-sections from the saturation model
Two-photon decay of $π^0$ from two-flavor lattice QCD
Two-photon decay of a light scalar quark-antiquark state
Two-photon decay of heavy hadron molecules
Two-photon decay of heavy quarkonium from heavy-quark spin symmetry
Two-photon decay of light scalars: a comparison of tetraquark and quarkonium assignments
Two-photon decay of pseudoscalar quarkonia