Two-Loop Threshold Singularities, Unstable Particles and Complex Masses
Two-loop two-point functions with masses: asymptotic expansions and Taylor series, in any dimension
Two-Loop Ultrasoft Running of the O(v^2) QCD Quark Potentials
Two-loop unitarity constraints on the Higgs boson coupling
Two-loop vacuum diagrams and tensor decomposition
Two-Loop Vacuum Diagrams in Background Field and Heisenberg-Euler Effective Action
Two-Loop Vertices in Quantum Field Theory: Infrared and Collinear Divergent Configurations
Two-Loop Vertices in Quantum Field Theory: Infrared Convergent Scalar Configurations
Two-loop virtual corrections to B --> X_s l^+ l^- in the standard model
Two-Loop Virtual Corrections to Drell-Yan Production at order alpha_s alpha^3
Two-loop virtual QCD correction to the B -> X_s l+l- decay
Two-loop virtual top-quark effect on Higgs-boson decay to bottom quarks
Two-loop world-sheet corrections in AdS_5 x S^5 superstring
Two-loop world-sheet effective action
Two-loop Yang-Mills theory in the world-line formalism and an Euler-Heisenberg type action
Two-matrix model and c=1 string theory
Two-Matrix model with ABAB interaction
Two-matrix model with semiclassical potentials and extended Whitham hierarchy
Two-Matrix String Model as Constrained (2+1)-Dimensional Integrable System
Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet binding