Two-loop superstrings and S-duality
Two-Loop Superstrings I, Main Formulas
Two-Loop Superstrings II, The Chiral Measure on Moduli Space
Two-Loop Superstrings in Hyperelliptic Language I: the Main Results
Two-Loop Superstrings in Hyperelliptic Language II: the Vanishing of the Cosmological Constant and the Non-Renormalization Theorem
Two-Loop Superstrings in Hyperelliptic Language III: the Four-Particle Amplitude
Two-Loop Superstrings IV, The Cosmological Constant and Modular Forms
Two-Loop Superstrings on Orbifold Compactifications
Two-Loop Superstrings V: Gauge Slice Independence of the N-Point Function
Two-Loop Superstrings VI: Non-Renormalization Theorems and the 4-Point Function
Two-Loop Superstrings VII, Cohomology of Chiral Amplitudes
Two-Loop SUSY Corrections to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
Two-loop SUSY QCD correction to the gluino pole mass
Two-loop SUSY QCD correction to the gluino pole mass
Two-loop SUSY QCD corrections to the chargino masses in the MSSM
Two-loop SUSY QCD corrections to the neutralino masses in the MSSM
Two-Loop Tensor Integrals in Quantum Field Theory
Two-loop test of the N=6 Chern-Simons theory S-matrix
Two-loop three-gluon vertex in zero-momentum limit
Two-loop three-point diagrams with irreducible numerators