Two-loop self-dual Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangians (II): Imaginary part and Borel analysis
Two-Loop Self-Dual QED
Two-Loop Self-Energy and Multiple Scattering at Finite Temperature
Two-loop self-energy contribution to the Lamb shift in H-like ions
Two-loop self-energy correction in high-Z hydrogen-like ions
Two-loop self-energy correction to the ground-state Lamb shift in H-like ions
Two-Loop Self-Energy Corrections to the Fine-Structure
Two-loop self-energy diagrams worked out with NDIM
Two-loop self-energy master integrals on shell
Two-loop soft anomalous dimensions and NNLL resummation for heavy quark production
Two-loop soft anomalous dimensions for single top quark associated production with a W- or H-
Two-loop soft anomalous dimensions with massive and massless quarks
Two-Loop Soft Corrections and Resummation of the Thrust Distribution in the Dijet Region
Two-Loop Spectroscopy of Short ABJM Operators
Two-loop Splitting Amplitudes
Two-loop splitting functions in QCD
Two-Loop Static QCD Potential for General Colour State
Two-Loop String Theory on Null Compactifications
Two-Loop Sudakov Form Factor in a Theory with Mass Gap
Two-loop sunset diagrams with three massive lines