Two-loop renormalization of gaugino masses in general supersymmetric gauge models
Two-Loop Renormalization of Heavy--Light Currents at Order 1/m_Q in the Heavy-Quark Expansion
Two-loop renormalization of N=1 supersymmetric electrodynamics, regularized by higher derivatives
Two-loop renormalization of scalar and pseudoscalar fermion bilinears on the lattice
Two-loop renormalization of tan beta and its gauge dependence
Two-loop renormalization of tan(beta) and its gauge dependence
Two-loop renormalization of the effective field theory of a static quark
Two-loop renormalization of the electric charge in the Standard Model
Two-loop renormalization of three-quark operators in QCD
Two-loop renormalization of vector, axial-vector and tensor fermion bilinears on the lattice
Two-loop renormalization of Wilson loop for Drell-Yan production
Two-loop representations of low-energy pion form factors and pi-pi scattering phases in the presence of isospin breaking
Two-Loop Results for M_W in the Standard Model and the MSSM
Two-Loop Results for the Masses of the Neutral CP-Even Higgs Bosons in the MSSM
Two-loop resummation for QCD hard scattering
Two-loop Resummation in Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory
Two-loop scalar diagrams from string theory
Two-loop scalar self-energies and pole masses in a general renormalizable theory with massless gauge bosons
Two-loop scalar self-energies in a general renormalizable theory at leading order in gauge couplings
Two-loop self-dual Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangians (I): Real part and helicity amplitudes