Two-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for $q\bar q \to W^\pm γ$ and $q\bar q \to Z^0 γ$
Two-Loop QCD Helicity Amplitudes for (2+1)-Jet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Two-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for massless quark-massless gauge boson scattering
Two-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for massless quark-quark scattering
Two-Loop QCD Renormalization and Anomalous Dimension of the Scalar Diquark Operator
Two-loop QCD vertices, WST identities and RG quantities
Two-loop QED and QCD corrections to massless fermion-boson scattering
Two-Loop QED Bound-State Calculations and Squared Decay Rates
Two-loop QED corrections to Bhabha scattering
Two-loop QED Corrections to Bhabha Scattering
Two-loop QED hadronic corrections to Bhabha scattering
Two-Loop QED Heavy-Flavor Contribution to Bhabha Scattering
Two-loop QED Operator Matrix Elements with Massive External Fermion Lines
Two-loop QED radiative corrections to the decay pi0 -> e+ e- : The virtual corrections and soft-photon bremsstrahlung
Two-loop QED with External Magnetic Field
Two-Loop Quantum Corrections of Scalar QED with Non-Minimal Chern-Simons Coupling
Two-Loop Quark and Gluon Form Factors in Dimensional Regularisation
Two-Loop Quark Self-Energy in a New Formalism (II): Renormalization of the Quark Propagator in the Light-Cone Gauge
Two-Loop Quark Self-Energy in a New Formalism: (I) Overlapping Divergences
Two-loop R-parity violating Renormalisation Group Equations for non-standard soft supersymmetry breaking in the context of the MSSM