Two-Loop N_F=1 QED Bhabha Scattering Differential Cross Section
Two-Loop O(alpha_s G_F M_Q^2) Heavy-Quark Corrections to the Interactions between Higgs and Intermediate Bosons
Two-loop O(alpha_s y^2) and O(y^4) MSSM corrections to the pole mass of the b-quark
Two-loop O(as^2) MSSM corrections to the pole masses of heavy quarks
Two-loop operator matrix elements calculated up to finite terms
Two-loop operator matrix elements calculated up to finite terms for polarized deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering
Two-loop operator matrix elements for massive fermionic local twist-2 operators in QED
Two-loop parameter relations between dimensional regularization and dimensional reduction applied to SUSY-QCD
Two-Loop Partition Function in the Planar Plane-Wave Matrix Model
Two-loop Perturbative Quark Mass Renormalization from Large Beta Monte Carlo
Two-Loop Photonic Corrections to Massive Bhabha Scattering
Two-Loop Planar Corrections to Heavy-Quark Pair Production in the Quark-Antiquark Channel
Two-Loop Polarization Contributions to Radiative-Recoil Corrections to Hyperfine Splitting in Muonium
Two-Loop Polygon Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM
Two-loop Prediction for Scaling Exponents in (2 + ε)-dimensional Quantum Gravity
Two-Loop QCD Anomalous Dimensions of Flavour-Changing Four-Quark Operators Within and Beyond the Standard Model
Two-loop QCD calculations in the eikonal approximation
Two-loop QCD correction to differential semi-leptonic b --> u decays in the shape-function region
Two-loop QCD corrections for 2 to 2 parton scattering processes
Two-loop QCD corrections of the massive fermion propagator