Two-loop massive fermionic operator matrix elements and intial state QED corrections to e^+e^- \to γ^*/Z^*
Two-Loop Massive Operator Matrix Elements and Unpolarized Heavy Flavor Production at Asymptotic Values Q^2 >> m^2
Two-Loop Massive Operator Matrix Elements for Polarized and Unpolarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Two-Loop Master Integrals for $γ^* \to 3$ Jets: The non-planar topologies
Two-Loop Master Integrals for $γ^* \to 3$ Jets: The planar topologies
Two-Loop Matching Coefficients for Heavy Quark Currents
Two-loop matching coefficients for the strong coupling in the MSSM
Two-loop matching factors for light quark masses and three-loop mass anomalous dimensions in the RI/SMOM schemes
Two-loop matching of the dipole operators for $b \to s γ$ and $b \to s gluon$
Two-Loop Matching onto Dimension Eight Operators in the Higgs-Glue Sector
Two-Loop Matrix Element of the Current-Current Operator in the Decay B -> X_s gamma
Two-loop mixing of dimension-five flavor-changing operators
Two-loop N=4 Super Yang Mills effective action and interaction between D3-branes
Two-Loop N=4 Supersymmetric Amplitudes and QCD
Two-loop Neutrino Mass Generation and its Experimental Consequences
Two-Loop Neutrino Mass Generation through Leptoquarks
Two-Loop Neutrino Masses and the Solar Neutrino Problem
Two-loop neutrino masses with large R-parity violating interactions in supersymmetry
Two-loop next-to-leading $\mt$ corrections to the $ρ$ parameter
Two-Loop N_F =1 QED Bhabha Scattering: Soft Emission and Numerical Evaluation of the Differential Cross-section