Two-Loop Fermionic Corrections to Massive Bhabha Scattering
Two-loop Fermionic Electroweak Corrections to the Effective Leptonic Weak Mixing Angle in the Standard Model
Two-Loop Fermionic Integrals in Perturbation Theory on a Lattice
Two-loop Feynman Diagrams in Yang-Mills Theory from Bosonic String Amplitudes
Two-Loop Finiteness of Chern-Simons Field Theory in Background Field Method
Two-loop finiteness of D=2 supergravity
Two-Loop Form Factors in QED
Two-Loop Four-Gluon Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills
Two-Loop g -> gg Splitting Amplitudes in QCD
Two-Loop Gap Equations for the Magnetic Mass
Two-loop Gell-Mann-Low function of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, regularized by higher covariant derivatives
Two-loop ghost-antighost condensation for SU(2) Yang-Mills theories in the Maximal Abelian Gauge
Two-loop gluino contributions to neutron electric dipole moment in CP violating MSSM
Two-loop gluino corrections to the inclusive $B\to X_{_s}γ$ decay in CP violating MSSM with large $\tanβ$
Two-loop gluon diagrams from string theory
Two-Loop Gluon-Condensate Contributions To Heavy-Quark Current Correlators: Exact Results And Approximations
Two-loop graviton scattering relation and IR behavior in N=8 supergravity
Two-loop heavy top corrections to the b --> s gamma decay
Two-loop heavy top corrections to the Z boson partial widths
Two-loop heavy top effects on precision observables