Two-loop electroweak corrections to Higgs production at hadron colliders
Two-loop electroweak corrections to Higgs production in proton-proton collisions
Two-loop electroweak corrections to high energy large-angle Bhabha scattering
Two-loop electroweak corrections to the $ρ$ parameter beyond the leading approximation
Two-Loop Electroweak Corrections to the A^0 gamma gamma and A^0 g g Couplings of the CP-Odd Higgs Boson
Two-loop electroweak corrections to the Higgs-boson decay H -> gamma gamma
Two-loop electroweak fermionic corrections to sin^2 theta_{eff}^{b anti-b}
Two-Loop Electroweak Heavy-Fermion Corrections to Higgs-Boson Production and Decay
Two-Loop Electroweak Logarithms
Two-Loop Electroweak Logarithms in Four-Fermion Processes at High Energy
Two-loop electroweak next-to-leading logarithmic corrections to massless fermionic processes
Two-loop electroweak next-to-leading logarithms for processes involving heavy quarks
Two-Loop Electroweak NLL Corrections: from Massless to Massive Fermions
Two-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms for massive fermion scattering
Two-loop electroweak top corrections: are they under control?
Two-loop enhancement factor for 1/Q corrections to event shapes in deep inelastic scattering
Two-loop Euler-Heisenberg effective actions from charged open strings
Two-Loop Euler-Heisenberg QED Pair-Production Rate
Two-loop evaluation of large Wilson loops with overlap fermions: the b-quark mass shift, and the quark-antiquark potential
Two-Loop Fermionic Corrections to Heavy-Quark Pair Production: the Quark-Antiquark Channel