Two-Loop Diagrammatics in a Self-Dual Background
Two-Loop Diagrams in Causal Perturbation Theory
Two-Loop Diagrams in Noncommutative $φ^4_4$ theory
Two-loop dimensional reduction and effective potential without temperature expansions
Two-loop divergences of massive scattering amplitudes in non-abelian gauge theories
Two-loop divergences of scattering amplitudes with massive partons
Two-Loop Effective Action for Theories with Fermions
Two-Loop Effective Potential Calculation of the Lightest CP-Even Higgs-Boson Mass in the MSSM
Two-loop effective potential for a general renormalizable theory and softly broken supersymmetry
Two-loop effective potential for the minimal supersymmetric standard model
Two-loop effective potential in noncommutative scalar field theory
Two-loop effective potentials in general N=2, d=3 chiral superfield model
Two-loop effects in the evolution of non-forward distributions
Two-loop effects of enhanced electroweak strength in the Higgs sector
Two-loop electroweak angular-dependent logarithms at high energies
Two-loop electroweak contributions to $Δr$
Two-loop electroweak correction of O(G_F M_t^2) to the Higgs-boson decay into photons
Two-loop electroweak corrections at high energies
Two-Loop Electroweak Corrections for the K -> pi nu anti-nu Decays
Two-Loop Electroweak Corrections to $Δr$