T violation in (Lambda_b -> Lambda l^+ l^-) decay beyond standard model
T Violation in Baryonic B Decays
T violation in neutrino oscillations in matter
T Violation Induced by Supersymmetry in t\bar{t} and W^+W^- Physics
t \bar{t} Cross-Section and Forward-Backward Asymmetry at CLIC
t \bar{t} W production and decay at NLO
T' and the Cabibbo Angle
t' at the LHC: the physics of discovery
T(13) Flavor Symmetry and Decaying Dark Matter
t-->b W h^0 and t-->b W A^0 decays and possible CP violating effects
T--odd correlations in (B -> K* l^+ l^-) decay beyond standard model
t->cg, cγ, cZ in the Left-Right Supersymmetric Model
T-Anomaly Induced LHC Signals
t-b-tau Yukawa unification for mu < 0 with a sub-TeV sparticle spectrum
T-Branes and Monodromy
T-branes and Yukawa Couplings
t-channel Approach to Reggeon Interactions in QCD
t-channel production of heavy charged leptons
t-channel unitarity and photon cross sections
t-dependences of vector meson diffractive production in ep collisions