O(N) and USp(N) QCD from String Theory
O(N) linear sigma model beyond the Hartree approximation at finite temperature
O(N) models within the local potential approximation
O(N) Sigma Model as a Three Dimensional Conformal Field Theory
O(n) Spin Systems- Some General Properties: A Generalized Mermin-Wagner-Coleman Theorem, Ground States, Peierls Bounds, and Dynamics
O(n) Spin Systems- Some General Properties: A Generalized Mermin-Wagner-Coleman Theorem, Ground States, Peierls Bounds, and Dynamics
O(N) universality and the chiral phase transition in QCD
O(N) Vector Models in the Limit $g \rightarrow g_c $ and Finite Temperature
O(N_f alpha^2) Electromagnetic Charge Renormalization in the Standard Model
O(N_fα^2) Corrections to Muon Decay
O(α) QED Corrections to Polarized Elastic $μe$ and Deep Inelastic l N Scattering
O(αs3) estimate for the longitudinal cross-section in e+e- annihilation to hadrons
O(α^2 L) Radiative Corrections to Deep Inelastic ep Scattering
O(α^2 \ln(m_μ/m_e)) Corrections to Electron Energy Spectrum in Muon Decay
O(α^nα_s^m) Corrections in e^+e^- Annihilation and τDecay
O(α_s) Corrections to Longitudinal Spin-Spin Correlations in e+e- -> q qbar
O(α_s) corrections to the decays of polarized W^+- and Z bosons into massive quark pairs
O(α_s) QCD Corrections to Spin Correlations in $e^- e^+ \to t \bar t$ process at the NLC
O(α_s^2) contributions to the fragmentation function g_1(x,Q^2) in polarized e^+e^- annihilation
O(α_s^2) Corrections to Current Correlators