O(alpha_s^2) QCD corrections to the electroproduction of hadrons with high transverse momentum
O(alpha_s^5 m) quarkonium 1S spectrum in large-beta_0 approximation and renormalon cancellation
O(a^2) corrections to 1-loop matrix elements of 4-fermion operators with improved fermion/gluon actions
O(a^2) corrections to the one-loop propagator and bilinears of clover fermions with Symanzik improved gluons
O(a^2) corrections to the propagator and bilinears of Wilson / clover fermions
O(a^2) cutoff effects in lattice Wilson fermion simulations
O(a^2) cutoff effects in Wilson fermion simulations
O(a^2) improvement of the overlap-Dirac operator
O(D) invariant tachyon condensates in the 1/D expansion
O(d, d)-Symmetry and Ernst Formulation for Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory in Three Dimensions
O(d, d)-Symmetry and Ernst Formulation for Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory in Two Dimensions
O(d,d) invariance at two and three loops
O(d,d)-invariant collapse/inflation from colliding superstring waves
O(d,d,Z) Transformations as Automorphisms of the Operator Algebra
O(d,d;R) Deformations of Complex Structures and Extended Worldsheet Supersymmetry
O(g) plasma effects in jet quenching
O(G_F^2 m_t^4) two-loop electroweak correction to Higgs-boson decay to bottom quarks
O(m alpha^7 ln(alpha)^2) corrections to positronium energy levels
O(m_d-m_u) Effects in CP-even and CP-odd K-->pi pi Decays
O(N) and RP^{N-1} Models in Two Dimensions