K-theoretical boundary rings in N=2 coset models
K-theory and Ramond-Ramond charge
K-Theory and S-Duality: Starting Over from Square 3
K-Theory from a physical perspective
K-theory in cutoff version of Vacuum String Field Theory
K-Theory of Noncommutative Lattices
K-Theory Torsion
K-Theory, D-Branes and Ramond-Ramond Fields
K-Theory, Reality, and Orientifolds
K0 form factor and charge radius in a covariant Salpeter model
K0 form factor at order p^6 of chiral perturbation theory
K0-anti-K0 mixing in the 1/Nc expansion
K0-K0bar mixing from the Schroedinger functional and twisted mass QCD
K0-K0bar Mixing with Wilson Fermions without Subtractions
K0-K0bar on the Lattice
K0s and Λ production in Pb--Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment
K0s K0s Final State in Two-Photon Collisions and Implications for Glueballs
K0s-K0s correlations in 7 TeV pp collisions from the ALICE experiment at the LHC
K0sK0s Final State and Glueball Searches and Lambda-Lambdabar Production in Two-Photon Collisions in L3 at LEP
K1(1270)-K1(1400) Mixing Angle and New-Physics Effects in B to K1 l+ l- Decays