K Rare Decays with NA62
K to pi and K to 0 in 2+1 Flavor Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
K to pi pi Amplitudes at Unphysical Kinematics Using Domain Wall Fermions
K to ππdecays and the K to σweak amplitude
K \to ππdecay amplitudes from the lattice
K"ahler Potential for Global Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Theories
K(E10), Supergravity and Fermions
K(E9) from K(E10)
K* nucleon hyperon form factors and nucleon strangeness
K* photoproduction off the nucleon: gamma N --> K* Lambda
K* resonance effects on direct CP violation in B -> pi pi K
K*-couplings for the antidecuplet excitation
K*0 and phi Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus Interactions at sqrt(s) = 41.6 GeV
K*Lambda(1116) photoproduction and nucleon resonances
K*Λ(1116) photoproduction and nucleon resonances
K+ -> pi+ mu+ mu- in E865 at BNL
K+ -> pi+ nu nu(bar) and FCNC from non-universal Z' bosons
K+ -> pi0 e+ nu branching ratio from E865
K+ photoproduction at SPring-8/LEPS
K+ to pi-mu+mu+ and doubly-charged Higgs