ISU - Multigrid for computing propagators
It is a Graviton! or maybe not
It's a Gluino!
It's On: Early Interpretations of ATLAS Results in Jets and Missing Energy Searches
Italian workshop on quantum groups
ITEP Lectures in Particle Physics
Iterated amplitudes in the high-energy limit
Iterated Residues and Multiple Bernoulli Polynomials
Iterating Block Spin Transformations of the O(3) Non-Linear Sigma-Model
Iteration of Planar Amplitudes in Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory at Three Loops and Beyond
Iterative construction of $U_q (s\ell (n+1)) $ representations and Lax matrix factorisation
Iterative methods for overlap and twisted mass fermions
Iterative Solution of the Supereigenvalue Model
Iterative Structure of the N=4 SYM Spin Chain
Iterative Structure Within The Five-Particle Two-Loop Amplitude
iTIMP: isotriplet Technicolor Interacting Massive Particle as Dark Matter
Iwasawa N=8 Attractors