Impact of $U_{e3}$ on Neutrino Models
Impact of $θ_{13}$ on Lepton Flavour Violating processes within SUSY Seesaw
Impact of a Light Strange-Beauty Squark on B_s Mixing and Direct Search
Impact of a precise top mass measurement
Impact of a uniform magnetic field and nonzero temperature on explicit chiral symmetry breaking in QED: Arbitrary hierarchy of energy scales
Impact of A0 on the mSUGRA parameter space
Impact of and constraints on PDFs at LHC
Impact of Atomic Parity Violation Measurements on Precision Electroweak Physics
Impact of B physics on model building and vice versa: an example
Impact of beam polarization at a future linear collider
Impact of bosonic decays on the search for stau_2 and tau-sneutrino
Impact of bosonic decays on the search for t~_1 and b~_1 squarks
Impact of bosonic decays on the search for t~_1 and b~_1 squarks
Impact of CFL Quark Matter on the Cooling of Compact Stars
Impact of CLAS and COMPASS data on Polarized Parton Densities and Higher Twist
Impact of CMS Multi-jets and Missing Energy Search on CMSSM Fits
Impact of colored scalars on $D^0-\bar D^0$ mixing in diquark models
Impact of CP phases on a light sbottom and gluino sector
Impact of CP phases on neutrinoless double beta decay
Impact of CP phases on stop and sbottom searches