D-brane Dynamics in RR Deformation of NS5-branes Background and Tachyon Cosmology
D-brane Dynamics in the c=1 Matrix Model
D-brane dynamics near compactified NS5-branes
D-Brane Dynamics Near NS5-Branes
D-brane effective action and tachyon condensation in topological minimal models
D-Brane Effective Actions and Particle Production near the Beginning of the Tachyon Condensation
D-brane effective field theory from string field theory
D-brane field theory on compact spaces
D-brane form factors at high energy
D-brane Gases and Stabilization of Extra Dimensions in Dilaton Gravity
D-Brane Gauge Theories from Toric Singularities and Toric Duality
D-brane gauge theories from toric singularities of the form $C^3/Γ$ and $C^4/Γ$
D-brane in R-R Field Background
D-brane Inflation
D-Brane Inflation on Conifolds
D-brane Inspired Fermion Mass Textures
D-Brane Instability as a Large N Phase Transition
D-brane instanton effects in Type II orientifolds: local and global issues
D-Brane Instantons and K-Theory Charges
D-brane instantons and matrix models