D^0-\bar{D}^0 Mixing and CP Violation in Neutral D-meson Decays
D^{+}, D^{0} and Lambda_{c}^{+} production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
D_k Gravitational Instantons and Nahm Equations
D_n Quivers From Branes
D_s (2317) as a four-quark state in QCD sum rules
D_s meson spectroscopy
D_s spectrum and leptonic decays with Fermilab heavy quarks and improved staggered light quarks
D_s(2317) and D_s(2457) from HQET Sum Rules
D_{s0}^+(2317) as an iso-triplet four-quark meson
D_{s0}^+(2317) as an Iso-triplet Four-quark Meson and Production of Its Neutral and Doubly Charged Partners
D_{s1}^{*}(2710) and D_{sJ}^{*}(2860) in the U~(12)*O(3,1)-scheme
D_{sJ}(2860) as the first radial excitation of the D_{s0}^*(2317)
D_{sJ}^+(2317)\to D_s^+π^0 decay width