D*-->Dpi and D*-->Dgamma decays: Axial coupling and Magnetic moment of D* meson
D+ -> K-K+pi+ Meson Decays: A Search for CP Violation and a Measurement of the Branching Ratio
D+ to mu+nu and fD+ from 281 pb-1 at Psi(3770) from CLEO-c
D+- and D0 (anti D0) production asymetries in pion-proton collisions
D+s production at central rapidity in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment
D- and B-Meson Semi-Leptonic Decays
D- and τ-Decays: Placing New Bounds on R-Parity--Violating Supersymmetric Couplings
D-->PV decays with final state interactions
D--branes and Spinning Black Holes
D--term Inflation at the TeV Scale and Large Internal Dimensions
d-Au and p-p collisions at RHIC and the multichain Monte Carlo Dpmjet-III
D-brane actions
D-Brane Actions as Constrained Systems
D-brane Actions on Kahler Manifolds
D-Brane Actions with Local Kappa Symmetry
D-Brane Actions, Intrinsic Geometry and Duality
D-Brane Amplitudes in Topological String on Conifold
D-brane Analyses for BPS Mass Spectra and U-duality
D-brane and Gauge Invariance in Closed String Field Theory
D-brane annihilation, renormalization-group flow and non-linear $σ$-model for the ADHM construction