Calculating weak matrix elements using HYP staggered fermions
Calculation and Interpretation of Hadron Correlation Functions in Lattice QCD
Calculation of $<p|\overline{u}u-\overline{d}d|p>$ from QCD sum rule and the neutron-proton mass difference
Calculation of $K\toππ$ decay amplitudes from $K\toπ$ matrix elements in quenched domain-wall QCD
Calculation of $\barα_{\rm Q.E.D.}$ on the Z
Calculation of $ΔI = 3/2$ kaon weak matrix elements including two-pion interaction effects in finite volume
Calculation of $ρ$ meson decay width from the PACS-CS configurations
Calculation of 1-loop Hexagon Amplitudes in the Yukawa Model
Calculation of 1/m^3 terms in the total semileptonic width of D mesons.
Calculation of 130 Gev Mass for T-Quark
Calculation of a Class of Three-Loop Vacuum Diagrams with Two Different Mass Values
Calculation of a weak nonleptonic matrix element using ``Weinberg'' sum rules
Calculation of Associated Production of a Top Quark and a W' at the LHC
Calculation of atmospheric neutrino flux
Calculation of BR($\bar{B}^0\to Λ_{c}^++\bar p)$ in the PQCD Approach
Calculation of bulk viscosity of QCD at zero temperature and finite chemical potential
Calculation of Chirality Violating Proton Structure Function h$_1$(x) in QCD
Calculation of coupling constant g_phi-pi-gamma in QCD sum rules
Calculation of CP Violation in Non-leptonic Kaon Decay on the Lattice