Calculation of next-to-leading QCD corrections to b -> s gluon
Calculation of Non-Leptonic Kaon Decay Amplitudes from $K\toπ$ Matrix Elements in Quenched Domain-Wall QCD
Calculation of Nonperturbative Terms in Open String Models
Calculation of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
Calculation of nucleon strange quark content with dynamical overlap quarks
Calculation of P-Wave Charmonium Decay Rates Using Dimensional Regularization
Calculation of parity nonconservation in cesium and possible deviation from the Standard Model
Calculation of Particle Production by Nambu Goldstone Bosons with Application to Inflation Reheating and Baryogenesis
Calculation of Power Corrections to Hadronic Event Shapes
Calculation of Power Corrections to Hadronic Event Shapes of Tagged b Events
Calculation of processes involving many particles at the kinematical threshold
Calculation of prompt diphoton production cross sections at Tevatron and LHC energies
Calculation of pseudoscalar and vector mesons' masses in extended model of quasi-independent quarks
Calculation of pure annihilation type decay $B^+ \to D_s^+ φ$
Calculation of QCD Instanton Determinant with Arbitrary Mass
Calculation of QCD jet cross sections at next-to-leading order
Calculation of QCD loops using tree-level matrix elements
Calculation of Quarkonium Spectrum and $m_b, m_c$ to Order $α_s^4$
Calculation of radiative corrections to the effect of parity nonconservation in heavy atoms
Calculation of Rare Decay B^+ \to D_s^+ \bar K^{*0} in Perturbative QCD Approach