Calculation of Ground State Energy for Confined Fermion Fields
Calculation of Hadronic Excitations of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Calculation Of Hadronic Matrix Elements Relevant For Delta I=1/2 Rule And Epsilon-prime In Lattice QCD With Staggered Fermions
Calculation of Heat-Kernel Coefficients and Usage of Computer Algebra
Calculation of HELAS amplitudes for QCD processes using graphics processing unit (GPU)
Calculation of Helium nuclei in quenched lattice QCD
Calculation of High Energy Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Sections and Uncertainties Using the MSTW Parton Distribution Functions and Implications for Future Experiments
Calculation of Higher Mass-Dimensional Effective Lagrangians in Quantum Field Theory
Calculation of higher-twist evolution kernels for polarized deep inelastic scattering
Calculation of hyperfine splitting in mesons using configuration interaction approach
Calculation of Infrared-Divergent Feynman Diagrams with Zero Mass Threshold
Calculation of Long-Distance Effects in Exclusive Weak Radiative Decays of B-Mesons
Calculation of Magnetic Penguin Amplitudes in B -> phi K Decays using PQCD Approach
Calculation of Massive 2-Loop Operator Matrix Elements with Outer Gluon Lines
Calculation of Massless Feynman Integrals using Harmonic Sums
Calculation of master integrals by difference equations
Calculation of Moments of Nucleon Structure Functions
Calculation of Moments of Structure Functions
Calculation of neutron background for underground experiments
Calculation of Neutron EDM in quenched and full QCD