5d and 6d Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: Prepotentials from Integrable Systems
5D Attractors with Higher Derivatives
5d Black Hole as Emergent Geometry of Weakly Interacting 4d Hot Yang-Mills Gas
5D Black Holes and Matrix Strings
5D Black Holes and Non-linear Sigma Models
5D Black Holes and Strings with Higher Derivatives
5d Black holes, wrapped fivebranes and 3d Chern-Simons Super Yang-Mills
5D Black Rings and 4D Black Holes
5D Differential Calculus and Noether Analysis of Translation Symmetries in kappa-Minkowski Noncommutative Spacetime
5D Einstein-Maxwell solitons and concentric rotating dipole black rings
5D Extremal Rotating Black Holes and CFT duals
5d Field Theories and M Theory
5D fuzzball geometries and 4D polar states
5D Generalized Inflationary Cosmology
5D seesaw, flavor structure, and mass textures
5D Super Yang-Mills Theory in 4D Superspace, Superfield Brane Operators, and Applications to Orbifold GUTs
5D Supergravity and Projective Superspace
5D supersymmetric domain wall solution with active hyperscalars and mixed AdS/non-AdS asymptotics
5D SUSY Orbifold SU(6) GUT and Pseudo-Goldstone Higgs Doublets
5D UED: Flat and Flavorless